Get Free Wall Art Every Month
- Up to 45 6″x4″ prints per month
Limit 1 print per photo
- Maximum 500 6″x4″ prints per year
- Additional 6″x4″ prints
- Sizes other than 6″x4″
- Small delivery charge- starts at just £1.49, never more than £3.99
- Or free collection points. See app for details
- One standard soft cover photo book every month
- 20 pages per photo book
- Additional photo book pages
- Sizes other than 7″x5″:
Upgrades to 8″x6″, 8″x8″, 11″x8″, and 12″x12″ premium hardcover books
- Small delivery charge- never changes no matter how many books you order!
- An 8″x8″ inch premium photo tile ever month
- Additional 8″x8″ premium photo tiles - only £8 each
- Larger 12.5″x12.5″ premium photo tiles
- Pay only a small delivery charge - always the same, no matter how many tiles you order
- One Standard Card
(Get a free postcard-style card every month)
- Delivery - £1.65
(additional charge for international destinations)
- Additional cards and upgrades
And as with all FreePrints services, there are no subscriptions and no commitment.